Elio Jucci : SETH    -    "Semitica et Theologica"

Indice del Sito Programma - Qumran - Esseni   Qumran - 2  Qumran Sito,Grotte,Manoscritti  - lingua e scrittura ebraica

Sulla letteratura e sulla lingua ebraica contemporanea si possono consultare i contributi di

Itamar Even-Zohar    (Archive mirror francese)

Israeli Hebrew Literature 16  [Archive]  Poetics Today 11:1 [1990], pp. 165-173.
 =  La letteratura ebraica israeliana [Archive]  La Rassegna Mensile Di Israel LVII, 1-2  (Gennaio-Agosto) 1991: 17-25. Traduzione di Dov Paolo Ancona del testo pubblicato  nel 1990 come "Israeli Hebrew Literature," Polysystem Studies, 165-173
("Multi-territoriality and multi-lingualism, which had been the dominant features of Hebrew literature through the ages, gradually
started changing from the beginning of the modern Israeli period (during the 1880s) and continued to do so rapidly after World War I").

The Emergence of a Native Hebrew Culture in Palestine: 1882-1948 175  [Archive]  Poetics Today 11:1 (1990), 175-191.

Russian and Hebrew: The Case of a Dependent Polysystem 97  [Archive]  [Poetics Today 11:1 (1990), pp. 97-110.]

("1. Slavic-Jewish Contacts between the Middle Ages and the Nineteenth Century; 2. Russian and Hebrew since the Nineteenth Century: Patterns of Interference; 3. Russian and Hebrew since the Nineteenth Century: Periods of Interference")

The Role of Russian and Yiddish in the Making of Modern Hebrew 111  [Archive]  Poetics Today 11:1 (1990), pp. 111-120.

Aspects of the Hebrew-Yiddish Polysystem: A Case of a Multilingual Polysystem 121   [Archive]   Poetics Today 11:1 (1990), pp. 121-130.

("Studying the Hebrew-Yiddish relations is a worthwhile endeavor even if the phenomena involved are in themselves of little interest to the student. It is the richness, long duration, and complexity of the case which makes it, from the point of view of cultural history and the semiotics of culture in general, a fruitful tool for achieving a better observation of cultural mechanisms in human history. It is not that the case is in any sense unique. Cases of permanent interference and multi-functionality are as old as history, if one takes the Sumerian-Akkadian case to be old enough an illustration. Moreover, Jewish history alone discloses such comparable cases as Hebrew vs. Aramaic Arabic, Ladino, Italian, or Persian. Yet in none of these do we find the complexity and variety of the Hebrew-Yiddish case. And, besides none of these still has such significant bearing for the present-day situation").

 Gnessin's Dialogue and Its Russian Models 131  [Archive] 

Authentic Language and Authentic Reported Speech: Hebrew vs. Yiddish 155 Archive

 La función de la literatura en la creación de las naciones de Europa  [Archive] En Avances en Teoría de la literatura: Estética de la Recepción, Pragmática, Teoría Empírica y Teoría de  los Polisistemas, Ed Dario Villanueva. Santiago de Compostela: Universidade de Santiago de
 Compostela, pp. 357-377.

"El alto grado de cristalización del "modelo europeo" se demuestra porque ha sido repetidamente utilizado en una cultura tras otra en la propia Europa. Pero también puede apreciarse en culturas que no pertenecen al ámbito europeo. Mi primer ejemplo es el caso de la nación hebrea, ahora establecida en el  Estado de Israel. La creación de la moderna nación hebrea, que comenzó a asentarse  en Palestina hacia finales del siglo diecinueve, se inició en Alemania hacia principios  del siglo pasado, casi al mismo tiempo que la nación alemana. A lo largo de dicho  siglo, en un laborioso proceso, la nueva identidad, que también generó una entidad  socio-cultural con un propósito finalmente político, fue constituida a través de una  nueva literatura y una lengua reelaborada -la lengua hebrea adaptada a sus nuevos

Nina G. Kheimets, Alek D. Epstein,
Between Nation, State, and Community  [Archive]: Dilemmas of Socio-Linguistic Self-Identification of the Russian Jewish Intelligentsia in Israel*. A lecture proposed for presentation at the First International Conference “People Across Borders”, August 2000.

        ( second Middle East Virtual Community Conference, on ‘National Identity in an Era of Globalization’ [Archive])

The Corpus of Spoken Israeli Hebrew 
The Emergence of Spoken Israeli Hebrew Shlomo Izre’el   - (Paper presented at the symposium Corpus Linguistics and the
Study of Modern Hebrew) (Emory University, Atlanta, GA, USA, February 3-4, 2000)  [ http://www.tau.ac.il/~izreel/publications/Emergence_Hary2003(corr).pdf ] Shlomo Izre'el - Publications

The Hebrew of Arabs in Israel,  Haseeb Shehadeh, University of Helsinki [Archive]

 Ariel (The Israel Review of Arts and Letters) No. 104 (May 1997)  https://web.archive.org/web/20031228111519/http://www.mfa.gov.il/mfa/go.asp?MFAH010g0 - The Hebrew Language Today

 Rochelle Furstenberg The State of the Arts: Israeli Literature (updated 1998)

Hebrew Authors - A General Directory This Directory is intended to serve as a guide to the rich storehouse of Hebrew authors. [new]

https://web.archive.org/web/20120309153450/http://www.ithl.org.il/authors.html  [old]

Hebrew Poetry on the Internet

"There is not much hebrew on the net, and even less hebrew poetry. But, I figured, that if I looked for other people who have poems in hebrew on the net, there are others who look also, so I created this page, with links to all the pages with hebrew poetry I could find".

    The Popular Arabic Literature of the Jews.

The following is a list of translations of various materials from Judeo-Arabic   Arabic has been spoken by Jews since pre-Islamic times. They usually wrote it in Hebrew characters, with diacritic marks to represent the Arabic sounds which are missing in the Hebrew alphabet. Some works in the language have become classics, for example the Moreh Nebhukhim (Guide for the Perplexed) of Moses Maimonides. The medieval works were written in Middle Arabic, which is quite close to standard Arabic, and has been well documented by the works of Joshua Blau of the Hebrew University. The modern Judeo-Arabic literature has been less studied. It is mostly popular in nature and represents the welter of dialects which the Jews spoke. Since the Jews felt no compulsion to adhere to Koranic grammatical norms, the written Jewish texts are a closer reflection of the dialect actually spoken by the writers. The following is a list of translations of various materials from Judeo-Arabic

The Popular Arabic Literature of the Jews
    "translations of various materials from Judeo-Arabic. All the translations are by Alan Corré except where noted"

History of the Hebrew Language     By     David Steinberg    History   [ old link Atchive X - 2003 ]  - New Link: http://www.adath-shalom.ca/history_of_hebrew.htm  - http://www.houseofdavid.ca/

    From Ariel vol. 25
>>>  Israel Language Policy and Linguistics by Haiim B Rosén - >>>  Words and their History by E. Y. Kutscher -
>>>  [>>]Israeli Hebrew by David Tene - >>>  Hebrew Slang and Foreign Loan Words by Raphael Sappan
Shlomo Izre’el, The Emergence of Spoken Israeli Hebrew. Paper  [http://www.tau.ac.il/~izreel/publications/Emergence_Hary2003(corr).pdf] presented at the symposium Corpus Linguistics and the Study of Modern Hebrew (Emory University, Atlanta, GA, USA, February 3-4, 2000) [Archive]
    The Corpus of Spoken Israeli Hebrew >>>  [ updated III - 2014 ]

Ariel Vol. 104 / Jerusalén 1997      [ X - 2003 ]
"Contemporary Hebrew – like any other modern language – is still in a constant state of evolution and change. ... Much of this issue of Ariel is devoted to a glimpse into the state of Hebrew today" >>>   .

    inglese       http://www.mfa.gov.il/mfa/go.asp?MFAH010g0
    spagnolo    http://www.mfa.gov.il/mfa/go.asp?MFAH07rz0

      Jack Fellman, Eliezer Ben-Yehuda:A Language Reborn    english   http://www.mfa.gov.il/mfa/mfa-archive/1998/pages/eliezer%20ben-yehuda-%20a%20language%20reborn.aspx
      Jack Fellman -  Eliézer Ben Yehudá y el renacimiento de una lengua  https://web.archive.org/web/20030731181743/http://www.mfa.gov.il/mfa/go.asp?MFAH01rg0  http://dialnet.unirioja.es/descarga/articulo/2552295.pdf

      Norman Berdichevsky, The Mother of Languages. The Influence of Hebrew on other Languages http://www.mfa.gov.il/    http://www.finetext.de/en/the-mother-of-languages/

Shireshet    http://www.snunit.k12.il/shireshet - A site devoted to Israeli poetry and song. (hebrew)
        Presentazione di alcuni poeti israeliani - fotografia- testo autografo -scelta di alcune poesie - con possibilità di ascoltarne la lettura [se ne consiglia l'ascolto anche come esercizio per migliorare la propria pronuncia] ... (Tutto in ebraico)    [ X - 2003 ]

http://israel.poetryinternational.org/      [ X - 2003 ] https://web.archive.org/web/20050204100053/http://israel.poetryinternational.org/   http://www.poetryinternationalweb.net/pi/site/cou_article/item/3144/Welcome-to-Israeli-Poetry-November-2003/en
http://www.poetryinternationalweb.net/pi/site/cou_article/item/3142/Welcome-to-Israeli-poetry-May-2004/en  http://www.poetryinternationalweb.net/pi/site/cou_article/item/3135/Welcome-to-Israeli-poetry-May-2006/en    http://www.poetryinternationalweb.net/pi/site/cou_article/item/3137  2005    Welcome to Israeli poetry

    "These web pages focus mainly on poetry by living Israeli writers, while earlier poets whose influence is still felt in modern Hebrew literature are also represented. The first edition featured Solomon Ibn Gabirol and Dahlia Ravikovitch. The second edition was dedicated to Nathan Alterman, Nathan Zach, Nathan Wasserman and Gali-Dana Singer. The third edition presents three more poets: Lea Goldberg, Taha Muhammad Ali and Agi Mishol".
Il sito comprende una breve presentazione degli autori, materiali critici, interviste, una selezione di poesie con testo a fronte e traduzione.
http://hebreunet.ovh.org/litheb.htm    LA LITTÉRATURE HÉBRAIQUE    [ X - 2003 ]

Yehuda Amichai Memorial Page http://www.ithl.org.il/amichai - Here you will find background information and
selected poetry. The site can be used as part of an introduction to the works of this highly acclaimed Israeli poet.     [ X - 2003 ]

Hebrew Literature Resources    http://lib.haifa.ac.il/www/subj/hebrew_lit/hebrew.html    [ X - 2003 ]

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The contents of this site are copyright (C) by Elio Jucci