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Si privilegia la segnalazione di Riviste liberamente (almeno parzialmente) accessibili in rete, 
ma si troverà il link anche di qualche rivista che  rende disponibili i suoi indici e talvolta la sintesi degli articoli.

          http://kammeo.blogspot.it/2012/08/riviste.html    http://kammeo.blogspot.it/search/label/riviste

AKROTERION Journal for the Classics in South Africa Tydskrif vir die Klassieke in Suid-Afrika
            [Full-text online  Volume corrente 59, 2014 http://akroterion.journals.ac.za/pub/issue/view/135  - Archivio http://akroterion.journals.ac.za/pub/issue/archive  

American Journal of Philology    indici    -  Free Sample : http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/american_journal_of_philology/toc/ajp.135.1.html

ANISTORITON    http://www.anistor.gr/index1.htm    http://www.anistor.gr/english/index.htm

"Anistoriton is an electronic Journal of History, Archaeology and ArtHistory. It is published quarterly in March, June, September, and December since 1997 and it is freely available on the Internet. Submissions to the Journal are peer-reviewed by specialists in the relevant field and/or topic as well as by the Editorial Board. As "anistoriton" is the Greek word for "ignorant in history," the Journal is an attempt to bridge the gap between professional historians and archaeologists and their specialized research, on the one hand, and the general educated public, the true history and archaeology lovers, on the other"
Scandinavian Evangelical E-Journal  

Hiphil  http://www.see-j.net/index.php/hiphil
peer-reviewed academic journal on Old Testament Hebrew Bible Theology, Interpretation, Poetics, History, Interactivity, and Linguistics with particular emphasis on bridging the gap between the ancient authors and modern readers

Aorist  http://www.see-j.net/index.php/aorist   Aorist on the New Testament studies is now finally underway and the first volume is scheduled to take off in the Fall. (dead)

athenaeum    indici

Aroumah Journal für Literatur - Philosophie der Bibel und Religionen    http://www.aroumah.net/agora/aufsaetze.htm - http://www.aroumah.net/biblio/biblio1.php - http://www.aroumah.net/literaturhinweis/Buchbesprechungen.php - http://www.aroumah.net/links.php

Der im Angloamerikanischen und vom säkularen Judentum seit längerem beschrittene Weg zu einem literarischen und kulturphilosophischen Verständnis nicht nur der heidnischen sondern auch der biblischen Religionen galt im deutschsprachigen Raum lang für verrucht. Doch nicht zuletzt durch das wachsende Interesse für die kulturhistorische Bedeutung der Bibel beginnt sich in den letzten Jahren ein langsamer Wandel abzuzeichnen. Um diesen Aufbruch zu begleiten und inspirierend voranzutreiben, wurde Ende 2004 das interdisziplinäre Form Bibel-Literatur gegründet, woraus Anfang 2006 das vorliegende Journal Aroumah hervorging. Hauptsächliches Arbeitsmedium des Journals ist das Internet, doch wird einmal jährlich auch eine gedruckte Ausgabe mit sämtlichen neuen Ausätzen veröffentlicht werden.


Axis Mundi articoli accessibili in linea - https://sites.google.com/a/ualberta.ca/axis-mundi/home/archives - https://sites.google.com/a/ualberta.ca/axis-mundi/forms-cabinet  

Axis Mundi is an online journal edited and maintained by Religious Studies students at the University of Alberta. Axis Mundi accepts contributions from students in any year of studies - undergraduate and graduate - in Universities and Colleges across Canada. We encourage submissions pertaining to any aspect of the academic study of religion
"ANNALI DI STORIA DELL'ESEGESI" INDICE DEGLI ARTICOLI DI  Tables of Contents 1999-2011 Download pdf   -  Tables of Contents 1984-1999 Download pdf

Azure   Azure: Ideas for the Jewish Nation presents the best in Jewish thought from Israel and around the world. Azure is a quarterly journal published in English and Hebrew editions in Jerusalem.
La pubblicazione è cessata con il 2011-12 come comunica l'editore shalem  e come spiega un lungo articolo di Assaf Sagiv presente nell'ultimo numero dell'edizione ebraica tchelet [Gennaio 2012]. Ma le annate pubblicate sono tuttora consultabili.

Babelao. Electronic Journal for Ancient and Oriental Studies. « Bulletin de l’Académie Belge pour l’Etude des Langues Anciennes et Orientales »
                                         http://www.uclouvain.be/397523.html     1 (2012)   > BABELAO 4 (2015)     > BABELAO 3 (2014)     > BABELAO 2 (2013)     > BABELAO 1 (2012)

B ekhol D erakhekha  D aehu  Journal of Torah and Scholarship  BDD Journal of Torah and Scholarship (Hebrew)    BDD Journal of Torah and Scholarship    abstracts

Bible Software Review  http://www.bsreview.org/  Since early February 2004, this site has been trying to bring you all kinds of information about the ever-growing Bible software scene. The stated long-term goal has always been that of building a comprehensive repository of tips, news, articles, and reviews of different Bible software products.

Bible Magazine   http://www.biblemagazine.com/index.php  The Bible Magazine features Bible prophecy in the news each week. Our magazine is published quarterly.

Bible Studies

 The Bible and Critical Theory  http://bibleandcriticaltheory.org/index.php/bct/index   The Bible and Critical Theory is an exploratory and innovative online scholarly journal for biblical studies, published by the Bible and Critical Theory Seminar. The journal explores the intersections between critical theory, understood in the broad sense, and biblical studies. It publishes peer-reviewed articles that investigate the contributions from critical theory to biblical studies, and contributions from biblical studies to critical theory. The journal has an active series of book reviews, which are published as they are ready.  Prima annata 2004, ...  ottava 2012

Bible Review
        "Bible Review's on-line content is just a taste of what the print version has to offer"

The Bible Translator  http://www.ubs-translations.org/         ( http://rosetta.reltech.org/TC/Ebind/docs/TC/TBT/TBT.html dead link)     [ Updated XI - 2009 ]  

ubs-translations.org database of The Bible Translator abstracts (1950-2000)

        articoli accessibili in linea

Biblical Archaeology Review [BAR]
        "Biblical Archaeology Review's on-line content is just a taste of what the print version has to offer"

Biblical Archaeologist
        Biblical Archaeologist is now Near Eastern Archaeology.  Indici  [se si può --> JSTOR] [aggiornato  XI - 2009 ]

Biblical Archaeologist/Near Eastern Archaeology (vols. 59-61) - from the SELA Projec[aggiornato  XI - 2002 ]
        articoli in linea Biblical Archaeologist 1996-1998

Bibliotheca Sacra Theological Journal    indici

Biblical Theology Bulletin  http://web.archive.org/web/20081030105319/http://academic.shu.edu/btb/  2008 /http://academic.shu.edu/btb/index of issues  [attuale http://btb.sagepub.com/] Abstracts - BTB is a peer-reviewed quarterly journal of Bible and Theology. Articles are written for generalist critical readers.

Biblicon   http://www.continuumbooks.com/advanced_search.cgi
     "Bible, culture and religion are the ingredients in this lively and frontier-storming journal. It is a unique forum for identifying the way biblical themes, tropes and motifs have been appropriated culturally and for encouraging cross-cultural debates on popular use of biblical material"

Biblisches Forum  (Online-Zeitschrift)   Biblisches Forum - Zeitschrift für Theologie aus biblischer Perspektive
   Unterstützt vom Seminar für Zeit- und Religionsgeschichte des NT an der Katholisch-Theologischen Fakultät der WWU Münster [IV - 2002]

Bulletin du Centre de recherche français de Jérusalem   [xi - 2010]

Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research    indici

Bulletin for Biblical Research    http://www.ibr-bbr.org/bulletin-biblical-research 
The Institute for Biblical Research has launched the Bulletin for Biblical Research as an instrument for understanding the religious senses of scripture. The aim is to publish articles which are both fully critical and generally accessible to the scholarly community. It is assumed as a matter of course that strictures of literary and historical reading apply in biblical exegesis. Yet current practice often does not acknowledge that religious meaning was the obvious context in which scriptural documents were produced, and the medium within which they were transmitted and received. The concern of the Institute is not to force all the articles it publishes into a single program, but to accord due interest to the religious sources and purposes of our texts. We invite the response of our readers, and contributions from any scholar who is engaged by the meanings one encounters in the discipline of exegesis. http://www.ibr-bbr.org/files/bbr/BBR-1991_01_Preface.pdf

Bulletin for Old Testament Studies in Africa    bollettino in linea [VII - 2002]

"Bulletin for Old Testament Studies in Africa (BOTSA) aims at being a forum for exchange of ideas and information about Old Testament studies in Africa. In brief articles BOTSA comments on pedagogical, methodological and research political questions related to Old Testament studies in Africa, and it also brings notices on research projects, teaching programmes, books and conferences. The readers are encouraged to use it as a means of communication".    http://www.mhs.no/publikasjoner/
Cathedra: For the History of Eretz Israel and its Yishuv (Hebrew)    articoli

Chafer Theological Seminary Journal
    http://www.chafer.edu/CTSjournal/journal_content.html      [ IX - 2002]

Christian Scholar's Review    abstracts

DavarLogos     Universidad Adventista del Plata  (http://www.uap.edu.ar)   [ aggiornato XI - 2009 ]

"DavarLogos es una revista bíblico-teológica semestral de la Facultad de Teología, con referato anónimo internacinal que provee un foro académico -dentro del contexto de la fe bíblica- para la publicación de investigaciones en las áreas de estudios bíblicos y teológicos, junto con sus disciplinas auxiliares, incluyendo exégesis y teología vetero y neotestamentaria, arqueología de Palestina y del Antiguo y Cercano Oriente, teología sistemática, teología histórica y teología aplicada".

http://mondodomani.org/dialegesthai/   Rivista telematica di filosofia   [III -2011]

Didaskalia     articoli in linea    [ aggiornato XII - 2003 ] 
"Didaskalia is an English-language publication about Greek and Roman drama, dance, and music as they are performed today. The name Didaskalia is taken from the inscriptions used to record the outcomes of drama and music festivals in Athens. The need for records of productions is greater today than it was in Athens, because there is more Greek and Roman drama performed in more parts of the world than there ever was in antiquity".
The ECOLE Initiative "Creating a Hypertext Encyclopedia of Early Church History on the World-Wide Web" aggiornato XII - 2002 ]

EJOS - Electronic Journal of Oriental Studies    [ X - 2002]

EJOS is an electronic journal devoted to Arabic, Persian and Turkic studies in their widest sense. It has a multi- and inter-disciplinary focus covering the full range of the humaniora. EJOS is published by: Department of Arabic, Persian and Turkic Languages and Cultures - Faculty of Arts - Utrecht University.

Excavations and Surveys in Israel (ESI)    [ IX - 2002]

 Filología Neotestamentaria   [ XI - 2009]

"The  Filología Neotestamentaria journal is the result of initiative taken by the Area de Filología Griega of the Departamento de Ciencias de la Antigüedad y de la Edad Media, University of Cordoba. Within its Scope lies every aspect of New Testament Greek philology, that is, textual criticism, grammar, semantics, lexicography and eventually semiotics, and its relationship with Classical or Hellenistic Greek ..."
sono in linea solo le annate   1995-2007

Estudos de Religião
Estudos de Religião é uma publicação semestral editada pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Religião da Universidade Metodista de São Paulo. Circulando desde 1985, ela tem por objetivo divulgar artigoss científicos, relatos e resenhas sobre o fenômeno religioso, contemplando temas ligados a áreas inter-disciplinares como: Ciências Sociais e Religião; Literatura e Religião no Mundo Bíblico; Práxis Religiosa e Sociedade; e Teologia e História     [ III - 2010]

First Things    FIRST THINGS, the Journal ofReligion and Public Life.
        articoli in linea

The Folio: Bulletin of the Ancient Biblical Manuscript Center  Claremont, CA : Ancient Biblical Manuscript Center, 1981-
        articoli in linea [ IX - 2002]

The Foundation for Biblical Studies  Bible.org

http://www.gial.edu/GIALens/vol1-1/index.htm GIALens: Electronic Notes Series
    GIAL Electronic Notes Series is an online serial publication of the Graduate Institute of Applied Linguistics. All articles are in the PDF format.  [ I - 2011 ]

Harvard Theological Review
    alcuni articoli possono essere consultati presso il sito       findarticles.comhttp://www.findarticles.com/  [ VII - 2002 ]

"FindArticles.com is a vast archive of published articles that you can search for free. Constantly updated, it contains articles dating back to 1998 from more than 300 magazines and journals"

Hebrew Linguistics    A Journal for Hebrew Descriptive,Computational and Applied Linguistics

Hervormde Teologiese Studies - 6  issues         [VII - 2010]

Publication of:  Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Afrika - Mission: To publish original research concerned with the dissemination of the results of theological research of national and international scholars. The journal has a wide multi-disciplinary scope and supports theologians, philosophers, scholars, ministers of religion and specialists in religious and socially related subjects by providing them with research results.

Hiphil   Old Testament  (see-j)        [aggiornato 2013]

Hiphil  is a peer-reviewed academic journal on Old Testament Hebrew Bible Theology, Interpretation, Poetics, History, Interactivity, and Linguistics with particular emphasis on bridging the gap between the ancient authors and modern readers.

History of Religions

HTS  HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies   [ VII - 2010 ]

The journal covers theology in its broadest sense and therefore publishes articles linked with a variety of other study fields, and has a multi-disciplinary, multi-church, inter-faith, and multi-religious focus and scope. Articles cover, among others, aspects of religious studies, philosophy, ancient Semitic and classical languages, sociology and ethics. HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies is committed to the capacity building of young scholars. We welcome you to submit your article to this journal.

Instituto Teológico Franciscano (ITF)    [ V - 2002 ]
    Revistas  (raggiungibili dal menu principale - se i links seguenti non funzionano tornare al menu principale )
CONCILIUM REVISTA INTERNACIONAL DE TEOLOGIA    sono in rete gli editoriali di ogni numero
SEDOC    - SERVIÇO DE DOCUMENTAÇÃO -  sono in rete gli indici
GRANDE SINAL Revista de espiritualidade    Oltre agli editoriali di ogni numero sono in rete alcuni articoli
REVISTA ECLESIÁSTICA BRASILEIRA     Oltre agli editoriali di ogni numero sono in rete alcuni articoli
Revista Franciscana vol. I, No 1-2 - 2001 -
R I B L A    Revista de Interpretação Bíblica Latino-Americano    Oltre agli editoriali di ogni numero sono in rete alcuni articoli [ V - 2002 ]

Tânia Mara Vieira Sampaio - Considerações para uma hermenêutica de gênro   do texto bíblico -
N. 35-6 Milton Schwantes - Sobrevivências - Introdução a Obadias
N. 37    RELIGIÃO E EROTISMO - Quando o verbo se fez carne
ESTUDOS BÍBLICOS (--) [ XI - 2009 ] [http://www.franciscanos.org.br/itf/revistas/]
"Estudos Bíblicos" nasceu dos "comentários" exegético-hermenêutico-homiléticos da REB, a partir de 1986. Tornaram-se uma "série" ou uma "revista". Uma "série", porque cada vez são números temáticos e o compromisso de publicação é trimestral, correspondendo, portanto, a 4 números anuais, mas sem um compromisso mensal e fixo de publicação. Uma "revista", porque a periodicidade, embora com a característica aludida, ela existe.
Tanto os aludidos "comentários" como a própria revista "Estudos Bíblicos testemunham o aumento da difusão do uso pastoral da Sagrada Escritura, como também o interesse por subsídios nesta linha". Oltre agli editoriali di ogni numero sono in rete alcuni articoli: [Links non aggiornati]
Wolfgan GRUEN. A Bíblia na era da Internet, 79.
Ludovico GARMUS. “Senhor Deus, vais aniquilar o resto de Israel?” (Ez 11,13). O resto de Israel como chave de leitura em Ezequiel, 45
Mônica OTTERMANN. "Jesus olhou para ele com amor", 73
Sebastião Armando Gameleira SOARES. Casa e caminho: a Boa-Notícia se faz corpo em nossos corpos, 23
Valmor da SILVA. As dores de parto e o nascimento na literatura bíblica
Ludovico Garmus. Traços apocalípticos em Ezequiel 38-39
Isidoro MAZZAROLO. Homossexualidade e sexualidade na Bíblia: Alguns tópicos para o debate, 9
Maria Soave BUSCEMI. De luas, cobras, mulheres e tamareiras (Uma leitura de Gn 2,4b-3,24), 58
Cláudio DALBON. Babel e Abraão: dois projetos antagônicos – Gn 11, 1-9 e 12, 1-9, 42
Haroldo REIMER. Leis de mercado e direito dos pobres na Bíblia Hebraica - 9
Inácio STRIEDER. O desafio de ser Igreja no Terceiro Milênio: A proposta de Paulo - 30
Paulo F. VALÉRIO. Babel e Pentecostes (Gn 11,1-9 e At 2,1-13) - 73
Airton José da Silva. A história de Israel na pesquisa atual - 62
Luigi Schiavo. "Como é que é sentir o calor?" - A história de Lúcifer que se tornou demônio por causa da mulher - 73
IOUDAIOS Review was spawned by the listserv discussion group IOUDAIOS-L. Both are primarily intended to serve professional scholars of early Judaism and related fields, so some knowledge of classical Hebrew and hellenistic Greek is assumed.
As of Janaury 2000 IOUDAIOS Review has become a select review journal, offering only a few -- twelve to fifteen -- reviews every year. Significant books dealing with Judaism in the Greco-Roman age will be selected for review and assigned to eminent figures in the field for substantive critique and analysis.
IOUDAIOS-L is a scholarly list focusing on Judaism in the Greco-Roman age and it is expected that subscribers who post to it have a professional knowledge of the subject matter and maintain a high tone of discussion. If you are interested in subscribing to this discussion list, please see the IOUDAIOS-L Home Page for the list's Community Rule and subscription information.
Israel Exploration Journal (IEJ)

Japanese Journal Of Religious Studies  home  Cumulative Listing Of Essays & Book Reviews link   [Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture]

Jewish Bible Quarterly

Journal des Études de la Cabale

"est une revue en ligne dédiée à la recherche dans le domaine de la cabale, ancienne ou contemporaine. Elle accueille des articles, des comptes-rendus d'ouvrages, et diverses ressources bibliographiques, ainsi que des archives regroupant des textes précédemment publiés sur papier et des travaux d'étudiants chercheurs (mémoires, dissertations). Elle annonce les colloques, les séminaires universitaires et les événements de la vie de la recherche. La revue est accessible sans mots de passe et consultable à volonté".

The Journal for the Aramaic Bible, which has appeared since 1999, will be continued as Aramaic Studies  [ updated XI - 2009 ]
[old http://www.shef-ac-press.co.uk/catalog/jourdets.cfm?id=19324&jref=3002]

Journal of Biblical Literature        Annate  2003 ss.

Journal of Biblical Studies    Il sito [http://journalofbiblicalstudies.org/Index.html] non è raggiungibile da parecchio tempo. Forse la rivista non è più attiva. I numeri pubblicati (2001-2006) sono  fortunatamente recuperabili attraverso archive.org
is an electronic journal dedicated to the field of Biblical Studies in general. Articles on any aspect of Biblical Studies (including: Archaeology, linguistics, exegesis, history, and textual issues) are welcome, and contributions that challenge the traditional boundaries of Biblical Studies are  encouraged. We would also like to see articles that discuss the relationship between Biblical Studies and other disciplines".

Journal of Buddhist Ethics  ( or  http://jbe.la.psu.edu/ )     articoli in linea    [ IV - 2002 ]
        mirror http://appliedphilosophy.mtsu.edu/jbe/
"The Journal of Buddhist Ethics is the first academic journal dedicated entirely to Buddhist ethics, and is innovative in adopting a totally electronic mode of publication. In most other respects, however, it will function as a traditional scholarly journal. Research articles as well as discussions and critical notes submitted to the journal will be subject to blind peer review"
Journal for Christian Theological Research  [ updated XI - 2009 ] [old http://groups.apu.edu/ctrf/jctr.html]
"The Journal for Christian Theological Research (JCTR) is an organ of the Christian Theological Research Fellowship. The JCTR is a refereed and indexed journal in systematic and moral theology"
"CTRF Papers The Christian Theological Research Fellowship is pleased to announce the free distribution of its papers for the annual meeting" [updated  V - 2005 ]
Journal of Early Christian Studies        indici

  Journal of Greco-Roman Christianity and Judaism       http://www.jgrchj.net/ Volume 1, 2000.     (aggiornato XI - 2009)  [old - dead link: http://divinity.mcmaster.ca/pages/jgrchj/index.html]
    New Electronic Journal Hosted at macdiv The Journal of Greco-Roman Christianity and Judaism (JGRChJ), edited by faculty [McMaster Divinity College] members is now available online.

The Journal of Religion and Popular Culture        [ X - 2003 ]

"The Journal of Religion and Popular Culture is a web-based, peer-reviewed journal committed to the academic exploration, analysis and interpretation, from a variety of disciplinary perspectives, of the interrelations and interactions between religion and religious expression and popular culture, broadly defined as the products of contemporary mass culture".

Journal of Semitics         articoli in linea     1994 - 1996 (University of  South Africa ( riviste   )    [ VII - 2003 ]

Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory     articoli in linea      [ V - 2002 ]

"The Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to both disciplinary and interdisciplinary scholarship of a cutting-edge nature that deals broadly with the phenomenon of religion and cultural theory"
The Journal for the Study of Rhetorical Criticism of the New Testament    [ aggiornato I - 2004 ]
"JSRCNT is dedicated to the electronic publication of articles that either make use of rhetorical critical methods not typically applied to the texts of early Christianity or analyze the rhetorical basis of studies of these texts no matter what methods have been used in their analysis. The editors hope to encourage the use of rhetorical critical methods described by rhetorical, speech communication, and literary theorists, including, but not limited to socio-rhetorical criticism, feminist criticism, fantasy-theme criticism, genre criticism, functionalist criticism and rhetorical hermeneutics"
"The Journal is sponsored by the Rhetorical New Testament Project of the Institute for Antiquity and Christianity of the Claremont Graduate University at Claremont, CA. However, the editor and editorial board are solely responsible for its contents"
The Rhetorics of Healing Conference Papers    http://rhetjournal.net/ConfPapers.html
The Journal of Textual Reasoning: Rereading Judaism After Modernity   http://jtr.lib.virginia.edu/   articoli in linea
La rivista Textual Reasoning (November 1996-April 2002)  - a sua volta evoluzione di Postmodern Jewish Philosophy Network (1991-1996), che avevo già segnalato nella pagina delle risorse bibliche, ha ora assunto una nuova veste Sul sito sono consultabuli i numeri delle annate precedenti.
The Journal of Hebrew Scriptures  http://www.jhsonline.org/  http://www.jhsonline.org/jhs-article.html  (rivista in linea) [old url http://www.arts.ualberta.ca/JHS - http://purl.org/jhs]
The Journal of Hebrew Scriptures (JHS) is an international, peer-reviewed, open access, journal established in 1996 to foster scholarly research on the Hebrew Bible, Ancient Israel’s History and cognate fields of studies.   JHS articles are included in the ATLA Religion Database, RAMBI, and BiBIL. The full contents of the journal are archived by Library and Archives Canada and is accessible for consultation and research at the Electronic Collection site maintained by Library and Archives Canada. JHS volumes are published in hard-copy, with a year delay, by Gorgias Press as part of their series Perspectives on Hebrew Scriptures and its Contexts   [aggiornato 2014]
The Journal of Higher Criticism    [VII - 2002 ]
"The Journal of Higher Criticism was initiated in 1994 as a forthright attempt - in a time of scholarly neo-conservatism - to hark back to the bold historical hypotheses and critical interpretations associated with the great names of F. C. Baur and Tübingen. We present articles dealing with historical, literary, and history-of-religion issues from the perspective of higher criticism. The Higher Critical Review, appearing in each issue of the Journal, features detailed review essays on important new works relating to historical criticism. The Journal of Higher Criticism is published semi-annually, Spring and Fall, by the Institute for Higher Critical Studies, Drew University, Madison, NJ, 07940.  Editor: Robert M. Price.  Associate Editor: Darrell J. Doughty"
Journal of Near Eastern Studies        indici

Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages        abstracts (recensioni in linea)

The Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society  JETS  [XII - 2011 ]

The Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society commenced publication in 1958 as the Bulletin of the Evangelical Theological Society. The first issue was just 20 pages in length and contained only one article. But that article by Ned B. Stonehouse of Westminster Theological Seminary, was titled "The Infallibility of Scripture and Evangelical Progress." It was Stonehouse's presidential address to the society. Only 47 persons were in attendance at the Annual Meeting when Stonehouse gave his address. .....
Nearly all past issues of JETS is now available on our web site for our readers' use and enjoyment. Our search engine, nearly complete, allows researchers to find items of interest quickly and easily. More than 4,000 copies of JETS printed and distributed each quarter, and the journal goes into every part of the world bringing advanced scholarly writing from a conservative Bible-believing position that holds the Bible to be the verbally inspired and inerrant Word of God

The Journal of Religion        indici

The Journal of Religion and Film      http://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/jrf/   articoli in linea     [vecchio indirizzo http://www.unomaha.edu/%7Ewwwjrf/]

The Journal of Religion and Film examines the description, critique, and embodiment of religion in film - Edited by William L. Blizek and Ronald R. Burke Department of Philosophy and Religion
The Journal of Religion & Society    [ V - 2002 ]  (rivista in linea - Persistent URL: http://purl.org/JRS)
has been established to promote the cross-disciplinary study of religion and its diverse social dimensions through the publication of research articles, discussions and critical notes, and book reviews.
The Journal of Semitic Studies        abstracts

The Journal of Theological Studies        indici

Interpretation        indici

Interpreting Ancient Manuscripts

KALONYMOS    http://sti1.uni-duisburg.de/publikationen/kalonymos/index.xml[ XII - 2003 ]

    "Das Steinheim-Institut gibt seit 1998 vierteljährlich die Zeitschrift KALONYMOS heraus - sie enthält kleine "Beiträge zur deutsch-jüdischen Geschichte", Berichte über Forschungsarbeiten des Instituts und aktuelle Themen sowie Rezensionen und Hinweise auf wichtige Bücher. Der Name spielt auf die Familie der sogenannten Kalonymiden an, die im 9./10. Jahrhundert an den Rhein gelangte, ist also mit den ersten Anfängen jüdischen Lebens im deutschen Sprachraum verbunden.  [...]"
KMT: A Modern Journal of Ancient Egypt       indici

Laval théologique et philosophique     [ X - 2003 ]

"La revue Laval théologique et philosophique est publiée trois fois par année par la Faculté de philosophie et la Faculté de théologie et de sciences religieuses de l’Université Laval, à Québec. Elle a pour but de diffuser les travaux des chercheurs, de faire la synthèse des questions majeures reliées à la théologie et à la philosophie, et d’ouvrir de nouveaux champs d’investigation ou de recherche dans ces domaines".    /revue/
lectio difficilior   articoli in linea
is the first European refereed journal for feminist exegesis, hermeneutics and related disciplines (classical philology, archeology, egyptology, studies of the ancient Near Middle East, ancient history, history of art, social sciences, psychology, e.a.).
LIBER ANNUUS   (now  available in pdf format)  (url alternativo)     [ I - 2003 ]

Literature and Theology      indici

The Master’s Seminary Journal    articoli in linea      [ VI - 2002 ]

Materia giudaica     [ II - 2003 ]

Materia giudaica è la rivista dell’AISG, attualmente a periodicità semestrale, di cui sono qui disponibili gli indici dei fascicoli già pubblicati.
In linea si possono leggere anche due fascicoli.

McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry     articoli in linea       [ IV - 2002 ]

is an electronic journal that seeks to provide pastors, educators, and interested lay persons with the fruits of theological, biblical, and professional studies in an accessible form. Published by McMaster Divinity College  in Hamilton, Ontario, it continues the heritage of scholarly inquiry and theological dialogue represented by the College’s previous print publications: the Theological Bulletin, Theodolite, and the McMaster Journal of Theology.

Metábasis     [ IV - 2006 ]

In greco Metábasis significa cambiamento, mutazione come paradigma dinamico per la comprensione del reale. In questo senso tale nome ci sembra perfettamente appropriato per una rivista che riguarda la Filososfia e la Comunicazione: la civiltà odierna, definita da molti come civiltà delle immagini, vive di continui mutamenti. Il fine di questo periodico è quello di analizzare i luoghi di intersezione dove i concetti si fanno immagini, simboli, miti e viceversa.

Myth & Symbol     articoli in linea    anno 1995  [ VII - 2003 ]     (University of  South Africa ( riviste   )

 Near Eastern Archaeology    [ aggiornato VII - 2003 ]


Online Archaeology

Online Bible Study

http://www.oracula.com.br/site/        [VII -2010]          

http://www.oracula.com.br/site/  Oracula - Revista de Estudos de Apocalíptica, Misticismo e Fenômenos Visionarios  - Universidade Metodista de São Paulo - Periodicidade: Anual


Perspectives on Science & Christian Faith.  (PSCF)   The Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation    (ASA)

"PSCF articles will be available on the web approximately one year after they are published. Most articles from the 1988-2001 are available. Use the links below to find the issue of interest and from there, if available, there will be link to the individual articles. We are in the process of creating web accessible versions of earlier material. The 1949 volume and issues from the 1970 will be made available  ... completed".
"The American Scientific Affiliation (ASA) is a fellowship of men and women in science and disciplines that relate to science who share a common fidelity to the Word of God and a commitment to integrity in the practice of science]    [VII -2003]

http://www.ilpalindromo.it/      [III -2011]
"il Palindromo. Storie al rovescio e di frontiera» è una rivista illustrata di critica culturale letteraria e storica che vuole porsi oltre la canonica dicotomia tra cultura alta e bassa, offrendo riflessioni e spunti su questioni generali attraverso una lettura libera da gabbie concettuali e ideologiche.Se da un lato il sottotitolo, Storie al rovescio e di frontiera, fa riferimento alla "prospettiva palindroma", dall'altro indica la frontiera come secondo elemento caratterizzante della rivista. Frontiera per noi non significa sempre marginalità e non ha un'accezione esclusivamente geografica: è uno status culturale ibrido, è un'esperienza contraddittoria, un'idea innovatrice, una storia occultata, un'iniziativa intellettuale sovvertitrice, una prospettiva nascosta. Questa è la frontiera di cui discuteremo. .........."

Papyrologica Lupiensia

Papyrologica Lupiensia è una pubblicazione del Dipartimento di Filologia Classica e di Scienze Filosofiche dell'Università di Lecce e del Centro Interdipartimentale di Studi Papirologici.
In questa rivista confluiscono i risultati delle ricerche promosse e sostenute dalla Cattedra di Papirologia e dall'insegnamento di Papirologia Ercolanese dell'Ateneo leccese.
Tra l'altro, articoli di Anna Passoni dell'Acqua e Lara Guglielmo

Protokolle zur Bibel (PzB)  Zeitschrift der österreichischen Assistentinnen und Assistenten an Biblischen Instituten  [ IV - 2002 ]

Quest. Issues in Contemporary Jewish History/ Questioni di storia ebraica contemporanea           [IV -2010]       issue 1 - april 2010

Questioni di storia ebraica contemporanea. Rivista della Fondazione CDEC - Centro di Documentazione Ebraica Contemporanea -

Related Bible Verses Ezine http://www.marmsweb.com/ezine/rbv.html The Book of Life is our Bible and reveals so many ways that we can use scripture to remind us of the Allness of GOD everywhere. RBVs Web Ezine hold new and
surprising articles in science, technology, joy and music. I hope you will continue to keep Marmsweb popular on the internet.  Love and light to
you all.


"RELIGIOLOGIQUES est une revue de sciences humaines qui s'intéresse aux manifestations du sacré dans la culture ainsi qu'au phénomène religieux sous toutes ses formes".  - Département des sciences religieuses, Université du Québec à Montréal.

Religious Studies NewsArchiveIndex   [ VII - 2003 ]

 R & T: Religion & Theology   [ VII - 2003 ]    articoli in linea delle annate 1995 - 1997    (University of  South Africa Unisa)


RES NOVAS Notiziario (saltuario) di umanesimo digitale http://lettere1.lett.unitn.it/lavori/ResNovas.html
    Università degli Studi di Trento Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneo - Servizio Fac. di Lettere   [ X - 2003 ]

Restoration Quarterly indici e  alcuni articoli in linea  [ IV - 2002 ]

Review of Biblical Literature    recensioni in linea

Revista Bíblica de Argentina       [ XI - 2003 ]    indici, ma anche alcuni articoli in linea

"La Revista Bíblica de Argentina fue fundada en 1939 por Mons. Juan Straubinger como subsidio “para el entendimiento de la Sagrada Escritura”. Lo animaba el deseo de ayudar al Pueblo fiel de Dios a encontrarse siempre más con las riquezas del pan de la Palabra.
Actualmente la Revista está a cargo de los profesores de Sagradas Escrituras agrupados en el Área Bíblica de la Sociedad Argentina de Teología.
Nuestro objetivo es ofrecer un instrumento de alta divulgación bíblica, dirigida principalmente tanto a pastores como a estudiantes y graduados de teología, pero también a todos aquellos que quieran alimentar su formación en este campo.
Queremos que la Revista Bíblica sea un espacio en el cual puedan exponer el resultado de sus investigaciones los profesores e investigadores de las Sagradas Escrituras de nuestro país, pero que ofrezca asimismo artículos procedentes de otros sitios, todo ello con una amplia apertura ecuménica.
Esta edición parcial “on-line” contiene los títulos de los artículos, y también irá incluyendo breves reseñas de cada uno de ellos".
Revue BibliqueRevue Biblique : tous les résumés des articles depuis 1995 sont dorénavant mis en ligne   [ VII - 2002 ]

Revue d'Histoire et de Philosophie Religieuses

REVUE INTERNATIONALE DES DROITS DE L'ANTIQUITÉ  http://www.ulg.ac.be/vinitor/rida/
    http://www.ulg.ac.be/vinitor/rida/tdm98.htm  DROITS DE L'ORIENT ANCIEN     [ VII - 2003 ]

Pierre CORNIL, Le traité de Suppiluliuma et Shattiwaza ( 33 Kbits)
Dominique GAURIER, Le Droit, remède pour les barbares: la réception du droit dans la Chine ancienne (120 Kbits)
Sakrament und Sakrileg     articoli in linea
Zeitschrift der Fachschaft Vergleichende Religionswissenschaft der Universität Bonn     [ VII - 2003 ] [dead link http://www.scup.no/journals/en/toc/j-124/j-124.html]

Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament [http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/sold20/current  abstracts free]   [Archive indici 1997-1999]

Scandinavian Journal of the Old Test  

Scottish Bulletin of Evangelical Theology

SEE-J   vedi    -->     Hiphil         Aorist  

"Scandinavian Evangelical E-Journal (SEE-J) is a peer-reviewed academic journal within the field of Biblical Studies in the evangelical tradition, published by the Copenhagen Lutheran School."
SEE-J continues SEE-JNTS and Nordisk Teologi (discontinued December 31, 2010)
. Articles published in the 2010 Volume of SEE-JNTS has been republished as volume 1 (2010) of SEE-J.
Articles published in previous volumes of Nordisk Teologi (a non-peer reviewed, cross-disciplinary journal on theology. All articles, reviews, theses, etc., are published in the Scandinavian languages.) can be accessed by clicking HERE!
HIPHIL maintains a specific interest in Old Testament History, Interpretation, Poetics, Hebrew, Interactivity, and Linguistics with particular emphasis on bridging the gap between ancient authors and modern readers.
AORIST on New Testament studies is now finally underway and the first volume is scheduled to take off in August 2007.  (dead url http://see-j.net/Default.aspx?alias=see-j.net/aorist)
NORDISK TeOLOGI is a non-peer reviewed, cross-disciplinary journal on theology. All articles, reviews, theses, etc., are published in the Scandinavian languages.
Semeia: An Experimental Journal for Biblical Criticism.

Semeia (vols. 19, 60-72) - from the SELA Project

http://www.plion.it/sodali/default.htm    "Sodalitium"      [ IV - 2003 ]

Nel dicembre del 1985, quattro sacerdoti italiani, fino allora appartenenti alla Fraternità Sacerdotale San Pio X, uscirono dalla società religiosa di Mons. Marcel Lefebvre e fondarono a Torino l'Istituto Mater Boni Consilii.    (tradizionalisti)
Sources    Sources: The Chicago Undergraduate Journal of Jewish Studies

Southwestern Journal of Theology

Stanford Journal of Archaeology         [ VII - 2002 ]

"The Stanford Journal of Archaeology encourages a diversity of archaeological theory, application and method, and cutting edge approaches through a peer reviewed publication. SJA is dedicated to presenting the reader with high quality, innovative and experimental work while breaking the mold of archaeological representation in a web based format"
stone campbell journal      [ IV - 2002 ]


Studi e Materiali di Storia delle Religioni (1925-1976)   http://cisadu2.let.uniroma1.it/smsr/    [XI - 2010 ]

Studia Rhetorica.   Studia_Rhetorica  La nostra rivista in linea Studia Rhetorica (StRh) intende offrire agli studiosi la possibilità di pubblicare sia studi di testi condotti secondo le procedure dell’analisi retorica, sia ricerche sulle leggi della retorica biblica e semitica.

The Studia Philonica Annual: Studies in Hellenistic Judaism.        indici

Studia Theologica

 Studies in the Bible and Antiquity  http://maxwellinstitute.byu.edu/publications/studies/ 
Studies in the Bible and Antiquity is a peer-reviewed publication dedicated to promoting understanding of the history, meaning, and significance of the Bible and other ancient texts An article must present a clear, original thesis or key proposition that sheds new light on these texts.   -  Volume 3 (2011)  - Volume 2 (2010)  - Volume 1 (2009)  -

Studies in Religion / Sciences Religieuses    Revue canadienne / A Canadian Journal  -  Indici  [ IV - 2002 ]

TC: A Journal of Biblical Textual Criticism   PURL: http://purl.org/TC     [VIII - 2002 ]

"TC: A Journal of Biblical Textual Criticism is an electronic journal dedicated to the study of the Jewish and Christian biblical texts. Articles on any aspect of the textual criticism of the Jewish and Christian scriptures (including extracanonical and related literature) are welcome, and contributions that transcend the traditional boundary between textual criticism of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament and New Testament textual criticism are especially encouraged. We would also like to see articles that discuss the relationship between textual criticism and other disciplines"

The Journal of Textual Reasoning  Home Archive [2012]

Theological Studies [http://www.ts.mu.edu/] is a quarterly journal of theology, published under the auspices of the Jesuits in the USA. Located at Marquette University, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, it is under the general editorship of David G. Schultenover, SJ, in concert with its editorial consultants. Its book review editor is J. Leon Hooper, SJ, of Georgetown University  [II - 2011]

Théologiques    Dernier numéro Volume 18, numéro 2, 2010
"Théologiques est une revue de recherche interdisciplinaire qui entend promouvoir l'avancement de la recherche en théologie, en dialogue avec les sciences humaines. La revue est publiée deux fois par année (printemps et automne) par la Faculté de théologie de l’Université de Montréal. In linea voll. 1999 -2010
Vol. 9, no 1 (2001) Les cosmologies Vol. 8, no 2 (2000) Le pouvoir Vol. 8, no 1 (2000) Superstition et divination Vol. 7, no 2 (1999) Silence!"

The Thomist     (Visitor Explore)    The 'Visitor Explore' only allows access to the first page of articles and to book reviews.  For full versions of these, a site subscription to the 'Full Version Explore' is required.

Tyndale Bulletin  - Tyndale Bulletin [XII - 2011 ]

Toronto Journal of Theology


Transoxiana    http://www.transoxiana.com.ar/     [VII - 2003 ]

Online Refereed Journal on Asian Studies.
Publicación Electrónica Refereada de la Escuela de Estudios Orientales "R.P. Ismael Quiles, S.J."
Universidad del Salvador. Buenos Aires
TTR : traduction, terminologie, rédaction
"TTR : traduction, terminologie, rédaction est une revue de traductologie consacrée à la Traduction, la Terminologie, la Rédaction et toutes disciplines connexes permettant d'effectuer des études sur le texte et ses transformations. La création de TTR : traduction, terminologie, rédaction avait pour objectif de répondre à un besoin pressant d'autonomisation de la jeune discipline qu'est la traductologie afin de réunir les recherches en traduction dans une optique textologique centrée sur les faits de culture. La revue publie des numéros soit thématiques envisageant la traduction sous un angle précis soit généraux problématisant le champ de la traductologie. TTR : traduction, terminologie, rédaction incarne la dimension socio-culturelle du développement des études théoriques et scientifiques de la traduction: socio-sémiotique, analyse discursive, études culturelles et historiques liées aux cultures source et surtout cible. Fondée à l'Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières en 1987 par Jean-Marc Gouanvic et Robert Larose, TTR : traduction, terminologie, rédaction est devenue la revue de l'ACT-Association canadienne de traductologie en 1988. Les langues de publication sont le français et l'anglais".

Tyndale Bulletin Full Text of Past Issues      http://www.tyndale.cam.ac.uk/index.php?page=full-text-of-past-issues    [XI - 2010 ]

Thanks go to Dr Ted Hildebrandt of Gordon College who carried out the huge task of producing full text articles from scans of the complete back-issues of Tyndale Bulletin. Anyone who has used an OCR program on a single sheet of English can imagine the complexity of converting an academic text with specialist vocabulary and scattered Hebrew and Greek. Despite his best efforts, some errors may have slipped through - email us if you spot any). So if you are citing it in a publication, please also consult the printed copy.

Union Seminary Quarterly Review

Westminster Theological Journal

Women in Judaism: A Multidisciplinary Journal

WOMEN IN JUDAISM: A MULTIDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL is an academic, refereed journal published exclusively on the Internet, and devoted to scholarly debate on gender-related issues in Judaism. The ultimate aim of the journal is to promote the reconceptualization of the study of Judaism, by acknowledging and incorporating the roles played by women, and by encouraging the development of alternative research paradigms. Cross-methodological and interdisciplinary, the journal does not promote a fixed ideology, and welcomes a variety of approaches.

WORD & WORLD Theology for Christian Ministry     [XI - 2003 ]

    "The full text of Word & World back issues is gradually being added to the archive in Adobe Reader .pdf format.
Currently, text for all issues from 1983 through 1997 is available, plus other selected out-of-print issues. The indexes are complete through the current year. Articles and issues for which full text is now available are identified with a hyperlink. Select the articles you wish to view through the indexes below:    http://www.luthersem.edu/word&world/ThemesList.shtm"
    tra gli articoli segnalo ...
http://www.luthersem.edu/word&world/Archives/14-2_Genesis/14-2_Contents.pdf... ...    http://www.luthersem.edu/word&world/Archives/7-3_Wisdom/7-3_Contents.pdf ottimo http://www.luthersem.edu/word&world/Archives/15-4_Nations/15-4_Contents.pdf wa    rhttp://www.luthersem.edu/word&world/Archives/15-2_Revelation/15-2_Contents.pdf... http://www.luthersem.edu/word&world/Archives/19-3_Politics/19-3_Contents.pdf... http://www.luthersem.edu/word&world/Archives/5-2_Psalms/5-2_Contents.pdf... http://www.luthersem.edu/word&world/Archives/6-4_Romans/6-4_Contents.pdf... http://www.luthersem.edu/word&world/Archives/3-3_OT-NT/3-3_Contents.pdf... http://www.luthersem.edu/word&world/Archives/3-3_OT-NT/3-3_Nickelsburg.pdf... http://www.luthersem.edu/word&world/Archives/3-3_OT-NT/3-3_Nickelsburg.pdf... http://www.luthersem.edu/word&world/Archives/5-3_Imagination/5-3_Contents.pdf... http://www.luthersem.edu/word&world/Archives/11-1_Death/11-1_Contents.pdf... http://www.luthersem.edu/word&world/Archives/4-4_Cosmos/4-4_Contents.pdf... http://www.luthersem.edu/word&world/Archives/4-1_1984/4-1_Contents.pdf Visions, Trends, and Seers

 Association of Peer-Reviewed Electronic Journals in Religion      [V - 2002 ]
    "The Association of Peer-Reviewed Electronic Journals in Religion is established for the purpose of promoting the development of electronic journals, sharing ideas and solutions to technical problems, and setting high standards for academic quality and longevity that all of the journals in the association will uphold"

Altri links
    Journals Relating to Jewish History

Logos is a quarterly journal of modern culture, politics and society       http://www.logosjournal.com/     [V - 2004 ]

that features articles on the arts, politics, culture, the social sciences and humanities as well as original fiction and poetry.     - Logos seeks to foster a critical dialogue on modern politics, culture and society through both intellectual and aesthetic lenses. Articles take a critical stance toward their subject matter in order to render them more lucid and comprehensible. Fiction and poetry can be of an experimental nature and is not restricted to commonplace or mainstream approaches to form and content.    (Con molti articoli sulls situazione imedio-orientale)


Lista Free and Full Text - History, Archaeology, ArtHistory Journals on the Internet

http://www.history-journals.de/index.html http://www.nfhdata.de/premium/index.shtml

Indice http://dobc.unipv.it/SETH/index.htmUltimo Aggiornamento: 
The contents of this site are copyright (C) by Elio Jucci