Elio Jucci : SETH    -    "Semitica et Theologica"
Copto- Egiziano - Varie
Fenicio - Punico
Scrittura - Scritture

  Indice del Sito HomeQumran - 1  Qumran - 2    Risorse Bibliche   lingua e scrittura ebraica          Pagine aggiornate
    Lingue semitiche e "Lingue bibliche"


English, Français, Deutsch, Türkçe, Melayu, Indonesia

La lingua araba .... breve descrizione     arabo
L'alfabeto arabo      alfabeto

The Holy Qur'an       Il Corano (Arabo (anche recitato) e traduzioni, English, Français, Deutsch, Türkçe, Melayu, Indonesia) [ V - 2002 ]

The Noble Quran In the English Language. A Summarized Version of At-Tabari, Al-Qurtubi and Ibn Kathir
with comments from Sahih Al-Bukhari. By Dr. Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilali, Ph.D. Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan
     Il Corano (arabo e inglese)

VARIOUS SURAHs with Streaming RealAudio and Transliteration   [ V - 2002 ]

Welcome to BABEL:arabic   [ VII - 2002 ]

"Yes! This is an online course in Arabic. It is the place to pick up basic knowledge of the language. From your online computer you will have lessons with sound as well as grammar lessons. All lessons are the product of a cooperation between an Arab native and a non-Arab who have managed to learn the language".


Helle Lykke Nielsen,    Acquisition Order in Arabic as a Foreign Language - a Cognitive Approach
    The third Nordic conference on Middle Eastern Studies: Ethnic encounter and culture change - Joensuu, Finland, 19-22 June 1995

Helle Lykke Nielsen, Arabisk grammatik på internettet

The fourth Nordic Conference on Middle Eastern studies The Middle East in a Globalizing World Oslo, 13-16 August 1998
la sapienza arabistica    ( angelo arioli )

Arabic Language, Culture and Grammar Notes

Arabic Grammar  and Culture,   Software, Tutorials & More

Arabic Fonts

Arabic Language Resources

Arabic Home Page of the Xerox Research Centre Europe (XRCE) in Grenoble, France.   The stable URL

This is the gateway to the Xerox Arabic Morphological Analyzer and Generator, which was built using Xerox Finite-State Technology. The system accepts Modern Standard Arabic words and returns morphological analyses and English glosses. Arabic words are displayed in Arabic script using Java applets.
Arabic Morphological Analyzer.
(Arabic Morphological Analyzer. The current version (May 2002) is 0.3. It is made available with no guarantees or promises of any kind, and the usual legal notices apply. In this demo, the amount of input is artificially limited to prevent commercial usage).
Sakhr Arabic-English-Arabic Dictionary

Islamic Dictionary

Index for the Middle East Centre Web pages
Daniel Panzacwith additions by Gerd Nonnemann  Middle East Scholars in Europe: an overview
The Middle East on the Internet

Arabiyyàt (a cura di E. Baldissera)     SEZIONE DI ARABISTICA

The Arabic Macintosh An informal resource centre    [ V - 2002 ]

How To View Arabic Pages - Please read this guide if you face difficulties in viewing Arabic Pages on the Internet.     [ V - 2002 ]

QUR'ÂN AND HADÎTH STUDIES [archive]: SCHOLARSHIP IN EARLY ISLAM by Joseph Kenny, [archive] O.P.   [ http://kammeo.blogspot.it/2013/07/fr-joseph-kenny-op-rip-1936-2013.html ]


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The contents of this site are copyright (C) by Elio Jucci