Elio Jucci : SETH    -    "Semitica et Theologica"
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Egiziano - Copto - Varie

 The Pronunciation of Ancient Egyptian

Coptic Fonts

The Coptic Language by Hany Takla

Egyptology Page by Jim Loy

Egyptian Fonts (Heiroglyphs)


     lingua copta

Coptic Soundex Files (MS Access download)
Beinlich Egyptian-German Dictionary
Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary
Egyptian Soundex Files (MS Access download)




D. Mallet, THE STELE OF THOTHMES IV. Records of the Past, Vol. 2, July 1889.      [V - 2002]

An early introduction  and translation to this Egyptian work from the 18th Dynasty.  For those who hold to an early date for the Exodus this would be from the Pharaoh immediately after the Israelite left.
Professor Maspero, The Expulsion of the Hyksos, Records of the Past, Vol. 2, July 1889.      [V - 2002]
An early introduction  and translation to this Egyptian work which has its dramatic date in the time of the Hyksos (= Israel's sojourn in Egypt).
Professor Maspero, The Adventures of Sinuhit (of the Twelfth Dynasty), Records of the Past, Vol. 2, July 1889.  The translation of the text.      [V - 2002]

Records from the Past, Vol. IV, Plate 2.  HYMN TO OSIRIS ON THE STELE OF AMON-EM-HA.  This piece is a fine example of the practice referred to as the damnatio memoriae (the condemnation of the memory).      [V - 2002]

George Rawlinson, Ancient Egypt. (Mostly Pictures but Some Text)
Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7
     Rawlinson Rawlinson-Ch10Rawlinson-ch9Rawlinson-Ch8
W. M. Flinders Petrie, Egypt,  from ISBE (AP&A).      [V - 2002]

Basic Amharic Terms

Algerian Darya-English Dictionary

Basic English-Maltese Dictionary

Online German-MalteseDictionary

Avestan-English Dictionary

Lexicon of Sumerian Logograms by John Halloran

The Amarna Tablets  Shlomo Izre'el

Prester John: Fiction and History     Meir Bar-Ilan

Word Frequency Indexer.
(Word Frequency Indexer. Catherine Ball of Georgetown's Linguistics Department has written a very useful script that analyzes text you put in for word (token) frequency).

Lexikon der christlichen Moral

Yiddish Borrowings in English (OED)

Yiddish-English On-line Dictionary (currently discontinued)

Nell'ambito della letteratura pervenutaci in lingua copta si possono ricordare le traduzioni dei testi gnostici  scoperte a Nag Hammadi.
The Ecumenical Coptic Project is non-profit and non-sectarian, distributing scholarly editions of the Nag Hammadi Gospels thruout the academic and religious communities http://www.etext.org/Religious.Texts/Metagospels/


AFLANG is a working group of students and researchers who have keen interest in African Languages

Ayele Bekerie. "Ethiopic: An African Writing System: Its History and Principles". Lawrenceville, N.J., and Asmara, Eritrea: The Red Sea Press, Inc., 1997.  Reviewed for H-Africa by Peter T. Daniels

THE PAPYRUS OF ANI    (THE EGYPTIAN BOOK OF THE DEAD) Translated by E.A. Wallis Budge      [VI - 2002]

Lic. Graciela N. Gestoso Singer
La iconografía de Aton en el Egipto de la dinastía XVIII y su relación con la ideología amarniana
Transoxiana 6    Julio 2003   [VII -2003]

Is the Biblical Exodus Inscribed on an Ancient Egyptian Stele?    By    Ralph Ellis    Independent Scholar  [VII -2003]


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